Marketing Authorisation in Russia, Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic Union - Focus: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine

- Aims and timelines of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
- Structure of legislative bodies and regulation outflow within the EAEU
- Marketing authorisation of medicinal products in the EAEU
- National registration in countries of the EAEU
- Ukraine - similarities to EU procedures

Legislation for the registration and circulation of drug products is changing significantly, under pressure from the Customs Union. This seminar provides you with in-depth knowledge on the current challenges when applying for a new marketing authorisation and an overview of maintenance activities in the EAEU countries.

The regulatory framework in Ukraine, which is not an EAEU member state, will also be covered.

After having attended the seminar you will know how to currently handle registration, pharmacovigilance and distribution and will be aware of the upcoming changes to your business.


Datum: 26.08.2016
Ort: Leonardo Royal Hotel Frankfurt
Mailänder Str. 1
-60598 Frankfurt
Preis: 1.090,00 EUR zzgl. MwSt.


This seminar is primarily intended for
regulatory affairs managers and business
managers dealing with regulatory affairs,
pharmacovigilance and/or distribution in
EAEU countries (specifically, Russia,
Kazakhstan and Belarus) and/or Ukraine.

All registered participants are welcome to
send their relevant questions to the
speakers prior to the seminar.



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Zerfallszeittester / Disintegration Tester DISI