Supplier Management for Medical Devices - Our intensive course all about vendor management: How to find the right balance between regulatory compliance, costs and quality

- Efficient processes, methods and interfaces
in the design and monitoring of supply chains
- Implementation of supplier audits
- Review of existing purchasing processes
- Current challenges for your purchasing department:
Critical supplier
- Legal, contractual and liability aspects
- Budget control and KPI monitoring

Supplier management has become a priority for medical device and in-vitro diagnostics manufacturers since the revised ISO 13485:2016 standard was issued.

Due to the (EU) 2017/745 and 746 regulations, supplier management and vendor requirements have become even more stringent. In their audits, notified bodies are increasingly checking whether your supply chain meets the high quality requirements.

In this course, you will learn about all the current requirements as well as the essentials of supply and supplier management, both from a legal and practical perspective, including:
- implementing QM systems at your suppliers;
- contract clauses and negotiations;
- liability risks due to defects in quality; and
- conducting supplier audits.

Our experts will talk about the current requirements and suggest how to strike the right balance between regulatory compliance, costs and quality.


Datum: 26.10.2021
Ort: Online

- Online
Preis: 0,00 EUR zzgl. MwSt.


Are you responsible for the quality of medical devices or in vitro diagnostics, or for supply or vendor management?

Do you carry out or participate in supplier audits? Are you involved in purchasing and entering into contracts?

Do you take care of logistics processes in your company?

Then this course is designed just for you!



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Medizinische Übersetzungen
Zerfallszeittester / Disintegration Tester DISI