The "e"-Challenges: The IDMP, XEVMPD and eSubmission - Be prepared - different implementation timelines lay ahead!

- E-only - when mandatory in the EU?
- Two years of CESP - lessons learnt
- Implementation of the ISO IDMP standards
- Impact of the IDMP on regulatory affairs and pharmacovigilance
- The XEVMPD - the aftermath of December 2014
- XEVMPD maintenance: simple change, major impact

"e-only", this is the new maxim in Europe. This international course provides you with the latest updates on the upcoming implementation timelines with regard to eSubmission, XEVMPD data entry, the IDMP and much more.

After having attended this course you will be aware of the challenges and opportunities arising with the new obligations.

Especially the IDMP can provide your company with a real benefit when implemented. Don't miss out on this chance for a thorough discussion with four experts from industry and the authorities.


Datum: 04.05.2015
Ort: Steigenberger Airport Hotel
Unterschweinstiege 16
-60549 Frankfurt
Preis: 990,00 EUR zzgl. MwSt.


This international course is intended for staff in the pharmaceutical industry who are involved in the electronic processes as XEVMPD data entry or CESP submissions.

Further, all those who are in charge of their company's regulatory e-solution or process optimisation strategy will benefit from this course.



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Zerfallszeittester / Disintegration Tester DISI